OHASHI Method for a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy

Original price was: $695.00.Current price is: $395.00.

August 3 & 4, 2024.
Saturday & Sunday
10a.m.–5p.m. daily

Integral Yoga Institute New York
227 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011

Download the brochure. WEB or PRINT



There are many ways that bodywork can influence a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and help the pregnant woman feel better and enjoy this special time in her life.  

The OHASHI Method is an energy-based, physical method that works on the meridians and acupressure points (tsubos) of the body.  The meridians and tsubos directly affect our inner organs to make them function better, even influence our psychological states, and alleviate aches and pains. 

Ohashi will demonstrate and teach you which meridians and tsubos are the best ones to use during pregnancy, which ones to avoid, and which positions are the most comfortable for the pregnant woman. Ohashi’s techniques will help you help your clients and give you a way to relate to both parents, by showing them how they can help the pregnant woman at home. In this way, the other parent can participate in the early development of the child

There will be information on the importance of breastfeeding for the health of the mother and child; how to increase milk production; and how to treat certain problems during breastfeeding. 

Topics covered in the workshop:

  • How to promote conception to become pregnant
  • How to alleviate the common problems of pregnancy, such as lower backache, insomnia, and nausea
  • Decrease  stress and fatigue 
  • Facilitate easier labor and delivery
  • Ease postpartum recovery and breastfeeding

The professionals who can benefit from this workshop are: Mid-wives,

Nurses, Massage therapists, Shiatsu therapists, Other Bodywork therapists, Exercise and Yoga instructors

Always taught with joy and humor, Ohashi’s teachings will enhance and change your life — your personal well-being or professional career. Space is limited.

Also with Ohashi…

Tutorials & Sessions: While at Integral Yoga Institute Ohashi will give sessions and tutorials on a limited basis. To book a session or a tutorial, please visit: OHASHI-Method.biz

Follow the OHASHI Method at Linktr.ee/OHASHIMETHOD

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